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长春High speed carton forming machine

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长春High speed carton forming machine

长春High speed carton forming machine

  • category:长春Automatic conjoined cover box machine

  • The number of clicks:
  • Release date:2021/03/17
  • Online Inquiry
Detailed introduction

Carton forming machine

JZH-1230S 高速全自动连体盖纸盒成型机(鞋盒机)


Jzh-1230s high speed full automatic paper box forming machine (shoe box machine)

Purpose: the machine is mainly used for the production and processing of conjoined cover packaging box, which is widely used in the processing and production of clothing, footwear packaging box, handicraft, daily necessities packaging box, electronic and electrical packaging box, hardware, standard parts and other products that need packaging.

URL of this article:http://www.j999999.com/en/product/599.html

Key words:Highspeedcartonformingmachine,Shoeboxmachine,Cartonformingmachine

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